82% Women in Tech Suffer Discrimination, says Tek Experts


Women are being discriminated in the tech industry; a recent white paper published by Tek Experts has brought this to the fore.
Not unless than 82% of women in the professional industry are treated with bias at their place of work and have to cope with some form of gender discrimination protocols helplessly.
The white paper titled; ‘Achieving Gender Balance: Views from Across the IT Industry’ has been published online, on wide streaming platforms as part of effort create awareness to fight bias treatments and gender related discrimination.

The report highlighted pay gap, lack of career growth opportunities, recruitment bias, general lack of inclusion and displacements among many others, as the some of the ways women suffer discrimination in the ecosystem.

The white paper which is a free download online, was completed by over 2,000 women worldwide, and was conducted in 5 countries where the information technology company operates in – Bulgaria, Nigeria, Costa Rica, USA and Vietnam.

Over 300 Nigerian women were selected across the country for the white paper survey, and 82% of the respondents agreed to being discriminated to during their recruitment process for an IT organisation, and 31% of women do not get same training opportunities as men and 76% of women felt that policies promoting gender diversity in the IT industry should be strongly implemented by the industry regulator to ensure compliance by private companies.



To know more about the white paper and download its content,visit https://www.questioningdiversity.com/en-us/


READ ALSO: More Women Needed in Nigerian Tech Space — WTEC


Tek Experts  Chief Executive Officer, Naama Saar who shed light on the focus of the white paper said and how the company dealt with discrimination said, “At Tek Experts we are deeply passionate about inclusion and diversity in the workplace and we’ve worked tirelessly to ensure we are a reflection of what we preach.

“We have implemented recruitment policies to achieve gender balance so we not only talk the talk; we also walk the walk. Our leadership team is almost entirely composed of women who have proven through their amazing track record in the industry that they deserve a seat at the table.”

“Also, the IT industry’s customer base is diverse, so I think this is something that should be reflected within companies themselves. Women definitely have a place and a value in this industry and there is a lot of added value to be gained by having women on your team. Tek Experts is certainly proof of that.”

Also speaking on the need to achieve gender balance in the workplace and in particular the IT industry, Tek Experts Nigeria Country Manager, Ashim Egunjobi said: “There is an absolute need to encourage women to take on more IT roles. Diversity is very important in every sector more so the IT sector because we develop lifestyle products, software and services that are essential for everyday living. Having both male and female perspectives helps to holistically understand what the end user needs and presents more than one way to solve a problem.”

“This whitepaper not only identifies the issues we have with diversity and inclusion in the IT industry, but it also recommends practicable solutions to ensure major IT companies, including ourselves and our clients, sufficiently tackle this issue of diversity and ultimately engender better futures for women in IT everywhere.”