Mobile Security: BlackBerry, Zimperium Provides Anti-Hacking Software

blackberryBlackBerry is now into a partnership with Zimperium Inc. to provide anti-hacking software for iOS and Android devices.

BlackBerry’s enterprise sales force will resell Zimperium’s  zIPS mobile threat protection application to its mobile device management services customers, the companies said in a joint statement.

Zimperium’s  zIPS anti-hacking application protects against device, network and application mobile attacks.

Protecting mobile devices is an increasing concern as businesses work to provide mobile or remote employees more immediate access to company data.

Startup Zimperium gained notoriety last year when it discovered a major Android bug called Stagefright, which made it possible for hackers to attack Android phones simply by sending a text message. An estimated that 95% of Android users across the globe were subject to the vulnerability. As mobile devices grow increasingly popular, consumers and businesses alike become more vulnerable to bugs such as Stagefright.

Available now, Zimperium’s zIPS integrates with BlackBerry’s Good Dynamics Secure Mobility Platform and BES12, which is part of the Good Secure EMM Suites from BlackBerry.

“Good Dynamics and BES12 integrated with Zimperium zIPS offers comprehensive threat detection, visibility and protection against network, device and application mobile attacks on corporate apps and data,” said Dave Kleidermacher, chief security officer at BlackBerry. “This is another example of how BlackBerry is working hard, every day, to secure, connect and mobilize the enterprise.”zimperium

“Safeguarding valuable corporate data is top of mind and of utmost importance to any enterprise,” said Shridhar Mittal, CEO of Zimperium. “Mobility is now a key component of business application deployments and remote workforce initiatives, providing more immediate access to data for mobile employees. Zimperium’s solution was explicitly designed to identify and classify zero-day attacks.

Together Zimperium and BlackBerry guard their high-security containerized apps against sophisticated cyber criminals using advanced and targeted methods to penetrate a device, and ultimately the corporate infrastructure.”

zIPS protects against a broad array of device, network, and application mobile attacks.

These attacks can include sophisticated OS/kernel exploitation or attempts to intercept Secure-Socket-Layer (SSL) encrypted network traffic.

Zimperium also protects against malicious apps that may be on a user’s device, considered part of their personal use apps and yet adjacent to a containerized business app.

The zIPS solution continuously monitors the behavior of the underlying operating system in mobile devices in real time.

It detects anomalies within the system’s CPU, memory and thousands of other parameters to automatically determine normal and malicious behavior, much like a doctor assessing the symptoms of a patient.

Once a deviation is identified and determined to be malicious, the device reports the attack and extensive details about the threat.