Fake Drugs Spread in Africa, 60% Imported Into Nigeria, says NAFDAC

Africa has continued to be hub for fake drugs with 60% target on Nigeria market, this is as the global control for drug manufacturing and consumption loses hold on international market, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has said.

National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) said it is ready to take up the fight head-one with more control measures stating that plans are underway to ensure that 60 percent of the drugs being imported into the country were manufactured locally.


Prof Mojisola Adeyeye, the Director-General of the agency, said this at a news conference, on Monday in Abuja.

She stressed the need for the agency to ensure that local pharmaceutical manufacturing sector thrived, adding that a significant amount of substandard and falsified drugs were creeping into the country.

“We want the local manufacturing sector to thrive; we want a situation whereby 60 percent of the country’s products are manufactured locally,” Adeyeye said.

She said that significant amount of substandard and falsified medicines were being imported as unregistered or registered but with compromise on the content after approval to become substandard.

“One of the drives of my administration is to encourage local manufacturing for products that can be manufactured in Nigeria,” the NAFDAC boss said.

She stated that the agency now encouraged innovation from local manufacturers by giving five-year market exclusivity to the innovator- company with capacity to meet the country’s demand.

Adeyeye added that during the period, there would be no approval of a similar product to ensure that products manufactured, imported, distributed and sold after registration or renewal of registration conformed with quality specifications.

She said that the agency had four laboratories, with ISO-17025 accreditation across the country, to test the quality of medicines, vaccines test kits and other biological products.

Adeyeye said that NAFDAC had overhaul its testing of products coming from China and India by re-certification of clean report and analysis agents as well as laboratories from those countries.

This, she said, was aimed at ensuring that the imported products were tested by qualified laboratories.

The NAFDAC director-general said that part of the restrictions was streamlining the pre-shipment testing, with testing done post-shipment.

READ ALSO: https://newswatchnigeria.com/one-in-10-drugs-sold-in-africa-is-fake-says-who/