UN rights expert to visit Nigeria to assess plights of IDPs


The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur, Chaloka Beyani, will between 23 and 26 of August visit Nigeria to examine the situation and human rights issues of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the country.
In a statement made available on Thursday, the trip would be his first official visit to the country.
Speaking, Beyani stated that the challenges confronting Nigeria and its government are considerable and cannot be overstated.

“The Northeastern part of the country has witnessed an unprecedented increase in violence and the escalation of attacks by Boko Haram since 2009, which has forced the displacement of more than two million people from their homes and triggered a humanitarian crisis.

“I will gather information on situations of internal displacement including both new and protracted displacement,” said the human rights expert, who will also examine the legal, policy and institutional frameworks in place for prevention of displacement, protection and assistance for internally displaced persons, and recovery.

According to the statement, Beyani will begin his four-day visit in Abuja to consult with senior government officials as well as a wide range of other national and international partners, with a view to examining the ongoing responses and challenges, and assisting them to meet their obligations towards internally displaced persons and to support durable solutions for them.
“The Special Rapporteur will also visit camps for internally displaced persons in displacement affected regions and hear from IDPs and representatives of host communities first-hand to learn about their needs, challenges and expectations.

“At the end of his visit, on Friday 26 August 2016, the expert will share his preliminary observations with the media at a press conference which will be held at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja Hotel. Details (including time) will be provided and access to the press conference is strictly limited to journalists who will have confirmed their attendance by Thursday 25 August 2016)
“The Special Rapporteur will subsequently produce a comprehensive report and recommendations based on his visit for presentation to the Human Rights Council in June 2017,: the statement said.