Book: Pathfinder Will Salvage Your Marriage Forever, says Author, Daniel Ayoola

Marriage: Wives' Rule over Husbands - Satanic or Godly?

A Nigerian Counselor and Life Coach has brought some of the sensitive issues common under the subject MARRIAGE AND HOME to the fore in his recently published book titled; PATHFINDER.

The book according to Daniel A. Jacobs, the astute author and widely read publisher, contains discernments and pathways to marital success from the point of a life coach, relationship counselor and a cleric.

Ayoola is married to Patience Jacobs

Recently, the author who also double as a youth pastor shared excerpts from the published book on a social media post to call attentions of married couples to the “whims and caprices” in vogue to disorder God’s hierarchic for husband and wife in marriage.

He revealed with references, quotes and biblical assertions that; Satan got agenda to make woman a ruler over man in marriage… and this agenda is gaining sympathy among the millennial, stating that God has order from the days of biblical Genesis for marriage.

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Read the excerpt:

…each person involved in a marital union has a predestined role to play, the man as the husband and the woman as the wife.

Thus the Lord asserted in Genesis: “Your love shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Gen. 3:16).What did you think happened in the Garden of Eden? What prompted the verdict of God that came alongside the cursing upon the woman?

“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and conception; in sorrow thou shall bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

If you examine the underlined part of this verdict, it couldn’t have been a curse. Now, this is it: What God did was to restore what the devil has inverted against the original divine purpose of marriage. Satan the devil had carried out an antic and a rebellious enterprise which seemed to have succeeded; but the word of God was sovereign, and by His word and command, God reversed the conspiracy.

Satan’s agenda was to make woman become ruler over man by the woman being the one who received of the forbidden tree and then introduced it to the man, her husband. Note that the giver (woman) would always be on top, while the receiver (man) would always be beneath. And by that act, Satan had thus inverted the order of creation. Meanwhile, God had not given them any decree or direction on how they would live, but the devil was smart and fiendish.

God had to rebind the union by that eternal verdict: “Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” The inclusion of this statement wouldn’t have been necessary because it was there originally, but the Almighty knew the antics of man’s enemy to have it inverted, which he then overruled.

Here, God is making it dawn on the woman what her position in the house is. It is, however, important for every wife to remember that every pronouncement in this circumstance has not been altered till date: such as man’s daily bread through hard labour and the woman’s travail in child labour.

In this wise, any woman’s attempt to reverse the particular verdict that binds them together is ignorance and will not get a pleasant result…