Goalkeeper Karius, Girlfriend Face Death Threats

Though Liverpool goalkeeper Loris Karius had apologised for his mistakes during Saturday’s Champions League final, but that didn’t stop furious Liverpool fans from making death threats to the keeper and his family.

The fans have taken to the social media to rain series of threats on the goalkeeper and his girlfriend despite the 24-year old apologies on and off the pitch – even 24 hours after the match.

Posts included a commenter saying he hoped Karius died of cancer, while another read: “I hope your whole family dies” and one even said “I’ll murder your girl”.

Meanwhile report on Daily Telegraph said Merseyside Police were investigating the abuse.

Police said, “The force takes social media posts of this nature extremely seriously and any offences identified will be investigated,” she said.

“Merseyside Police would like to remind social media users than any offences including malicious communications and threatening behaviour will be investigated.”

On Sunday, Karius was still in turmoil as he tried to come to terms with his woeful display in the biggest game of his life.

Without making reference to the abuse, he took to Twitter himself to again say sorry for his nightmare performance.

He said “Haven’t really slept until now. The scenes are still running through my head again and again. I’m infinitely sorry to my team-mates, for you fans, and for all the staff,” he tweeted.

“I know that I messed it up with the two mistakes and let you all down.

“As I said I’d just like to turn back the time but that’s not possible.

“It’s even worse as we all felt that we could have beaten Real Madrid and we were in the game for a long time.

“Thank you to our unbelievable fans who came to Kiev and held my back, even after the game.

“I don’t take that for granted and once again it showed me what a big family we are. Thank you and we will come back stronger.”