Maltina, Noble Igwe Make History with 1000 Smiles Nigeria Project

Maltina and Noble Igwe Hit The 1000 Smile Mark

The journey to capture Nigerians happy moment and smiles has ended with a remark feat.

Maltina supports the 1000 Smile project handled by Noble Igwe which lasted for 30 days.

The photo shoot project revered for sharing happiness was conducted nationwide.

Now after 30 days in which various cities across Nigeria were visited, the 1000 mark has been reached and in the process, sharing happiness and capturing


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Hundreds of compelling stories were captured during the experience which has come a long way to put on the record that Nigerians are full of life and are happy people.

From the Hawker on the street, to the

Investment banker, to the market woman, Maltina supported to capture these people at key moments, revealing some of the true experience you may ever come across.

The true stories on the field added the needed context to the campaign,as the project chronicles a journey to a 1000 smiles with social media posts which profiled individuals that were photographed.

What started as a noble act to compile happy moments from Nigerians, slowly became a riveting expose about the perseverance and unbridled joy of Nigerians even in the face of adversities.

Some of the most remarkable photos were from those you may least expect to be joyous, proving that true joy comes from within and is borne inspite of peculiarity of life realities.

The project further revealed that Maltina has recorded a great year of sharing happiness.