MTNFoundation Trains 500 on ICT in Kano State

MTN Foundation has conducted a two-day empowerment scheme targeted at young adult in Kano state.

Over five hundred young men and women were trained on the use of Information Communication Technology(ICT) and businesses in the digital and telecommunication space.

This training was conducted after after a pilot scheme was held in Oyo State.

For the two days experts from the MTN Foundations and its ecosystem partners – KPMG; IBM; DBI (Digital Bridge Institute) and Oracle came together to train the youths on the necessary skills in ICT and Business.

The participants were also trained on the use of social media to increase customers for business and financial accounting.


Cross section of trainees and expert trainers at the training program

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It was obvious that the participants were eager and ready to learn even as the training classes were break up into segments.The training hal were full to the capacity for the two days even as each class lasted for nine hours.

Despite the fact that it was a sponsored empowerment programm which the participant did not pay to attend, at the end of each class the telecommunication firm foot the transport fare bill of all the participants.

According to facilitators of the two day empowerment scheme, for Nigeria to become a technology driven economy nationwide, concentration and more efforts need to be channeled to the teeming youths and entrepreneurs also in the Northern part of the country.

“If technology and education is fully embraced and adapted life-styles and businesses will improve, residents with empowerment skill will increase and there will be more employable youths and on the overall the high indices of unemployment rate will reduce.”

The participants were also exposed to Selfie game during the fun side of the training program.