READERS: What Issues Are Not Being Covered in Nigeria?

From: Editor's Desk
  • To: Our Esteemed Readers
  • We would like to invite you to participate in a new project we are embarking on called “The Truth.”
  • For this project, we are asking our readers to suggest topics or issues that do not receive enough coverage in Nigeria for us to report on.
  • It is our hope that you share with us what interests or concerns you about Nigeria and that together we can go beyond our typical coverage and uncover more of the national issues that our readers need to know. 
  • To share, you can write-in to the Editor-in-Chief of using the comment section of this post or on or on
  • Here at NewswatchNigeria we believe that together we can begin to publish more fact-driven reports about Nigeria to the world.
  • READERS: What Issues Are Not Being Covered in Nigeria?

Dayo Paul O. Editor-in-Chief


+1 347-883-6646


10 thoughts on “READERS: What Issues Are Not Being Covered in Nigeria?

  1. Intimidation and extortion of hapless electricity consumers by DISCOs should be treated as emergency by the Nigerian government.

  2. Issues Not Covered In Nigeria
    Let us begin with the reporters, themselves. I think that the plight of reporters in Nigeria is not being treated properly, if any attention at all. How are reporters faring, what are their working, living conditions?

    Social Life: Celebrities are the ones who occupy the larger space of reportage on subject matter. Ordinary Nigerians get mentioned, if at all, when they commit suicide. How are Nigerians of all walks of live working, living and dying?
    Drug Situation: The challenge is more than is reported. We cannot afford to be like some pacific island countries overwhelmed by drug challenges. We need to beam more searchlight on agencies in this space, security, safety, correctional, etc.
    Religious Institutions: Scanty reportage is going on in this space. We need to dig deeper into these institutions and unearth some of the atrocities veiled in the name of religious worship.
    Work Environments: Do we report enough the work environments(especially the ones owned by expatriates) of Nigerians. Everyday in the courts you see young men largely who have lost hands and legs come to seek succour that lies in a distance. Most of them do not have money to hire lawyers and must continue working or be sacked…

  3. Regarding coverage of issues in Nigeria, the response of the government towards issues bordering on the safety of Nigerians both within the country as well as overseas is abysmal and is worth focusing on.

    Clashes, genocides and ethnic cleansing are common occurencies in Nigerian towns and villages which are poorly reported. The neglect of Nigerians who are affected by ethnic and sectarian violence gave rise to cases of attack on Nigerians living overseas. The recent xenophobic attacks on Nigerians living in the Republic of South Africa was a case in point where Nigerians were atttacked because their attackers knew they had a weak government who dont care about its ciitizenry. This attack was halted when a. Prominent Nigerian, the CEO of Air Peace, a leading Nigerian airline, Allen Onyema donated airplanes for the evacuation of Nigerians living in the affected South African cities. This single action showed the hostile host country that Nigerians were not helpless – it also served as a light that exposed their evil deeds against citizens of another african nation.

    In a great way, it is good to amplify these incidents ensuring that crises, marginalizations and injustice are addressed through the bringing of the perpetrators to book.

  4. Issues of politics, national security and small businesses are reported with influence, apprehension and disdain respectively.

  5. Lots of issues in Nigeria are not being covered but most importantly the most topical issues that should be highlighted more should be
    – Technology and Data insights

  6. Some are: geriatrics, gender based violence, and community development cum infrastructural decline or decay

  7. Everything is not being covered in Nigeria as whole. The living condition is extremely poor, no good health care, no proper standard education system for the masses, no jobs, electricity system poor infact it has gotten worse, security is poor infact if there’s another word to use to contify you can use it.the masses are suffering, the country is divided in the case of if you’re in the rich bracket, you get richer and if you belong to the less privilege bracket you become poorer there’s no middle class. Our so called leaders has failed the entire country every sector in Nigeria is corrupt. They say Nigeria is the gaint of Africa I don’t think they deserve that tittle because of the living condition of people which is extremely poor. The government needs to do better for it’s people, the world is changing so we need to do much better. This is my opinion on the issues in Nigeria.

  8. Electricity is one big issue we have in Nigeria and no body is doing anything to that. Even the government are less concerned and we are paying more than expected and yet we don’t enjoy the facility,it’s that bad.

  9. The one issue that I suppose bothers everyone across the world that is grossly underreported in Nigeria is climate change. Nigerians have carried on as if they live on a different planet. But the impact of climate change is real here. With the increasing flood cases, lack of rainfall affecting food production, no one here will disagree that the people are having their fair share of the impact of global warming.
    As I write this comment, in the early hours of December 6, it is raining. This is an anomaly in Nigeria where I have lived all my life. By now, harmattan should be raging. I wish more people, and especially the authorities could realise how the country is deeply affected by climate change and begin to do something about it.

  10. True heroes, I mean the common man on the street doing great things. It could either tangible innovations or a change-maker through uncommon behaviour such as honesty or such other virtues. It is the absence of such stories in the media that have denied the society and the younger generations, true mentors. Their stories often than not, do not get to be published because they have no wherewithal (financial and connections) to push their stories in the media. We need to look for them and bring them to the limelight. It benefits society more in shaping characters of the younger generation.

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