Russia 2018: NFF to Slash Rohr’s $30,000 Match Win-Bonus

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) could end up slashing the win bonus of Super Eagles’ head coach, Gernot Rohr for the FIFA World Cup, if words emanating from the glasshouse are anything to go by.

Super Eagles

Rohr will earn double of the $15,000-a-match win bonus that the players will be paid at the group stage, which will increase as the team progresses.

However, there are fears that the NFF may not be able to raise the N3billion budgeted for the World Cup,with less than five weeks to the tournament’s kick-off.

“The budget of N3billion is what is being targeted for the Eagles World Cup project and out of which N1.5b will come from government, and the balance through fund donors and Eagles brand initiatives as orchestrated and designed by the Nigeria Football Federation.

“But then, I must say that there are lots of promises yet unfulfilled from states and some well-meaning Nigerians thus far, if this financial commitments are not met there are obvious implications it may rub off on the overall plans of the federation for the World cup team.

“See, we sealed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the players in good faith and it is binding on the parties bid to ensure a guaranteed itch-free outing. All hands have been on desk to raise funds to be responsive orelse there may be a drag review.

“We hope government and other corporate pledges would fast track release of funds and I must say that the federation has not closed door on more support from cooperate Nigeria and beyond.” can report that government recently held a fund raising gala night were it raised about N80Million and the NFF has also raised some amounts from corporate sponsorship deals but the sum is below the proposed bench mark.