UPDATE: Facebook, Instagram, Block #Trump Accounts Zuckerberg Announces

UPDATE: Facebook, Instagram, Block #Trump Accounts Zuckerberg Announces

CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg  announced on Thursday that President Donald Trump will be blocked from using both Facebook and Instagram, “for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.” Zuckerberg blocked Trump’s accounts temporarily...
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Zuckerberg says, Facebook could have done more to prevent misuse

Zuckerberg says, Facebook could have done more to prevent misuse

Facebook Inc Chief Executive, Mark Zuckerberg, told Congress on Monday that the social media network should have done more to prevent itself and its members’ data being misused and offered a broad apology to lawmakers. His conciliatory tone precedes two...
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10 Technology Billionaires with  ‘Worst’ Frugal Habits

10 Technology Billionaires with ‘Worst’ Frugal Habits

Reuters (2); Getty Images BILLIONAIRES  As Belarusian-American chess master Charles A. Jaffe once claimed, “It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.” Not surprisingly, many of the wealthiest people on earth ...
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Mark Zuckerberg SIGNS DEATH warrant for SMARTPHONES

Mark Zuckerberg SIGNS DEATH warrant for SMARTPHONES

It’s no secret Mark Zuckerberg is pinning Facebook’s prospects on augmented reality — technology that overlays digital imagery onto the real world, like Snapchat’s signature camera filters. At this year’s F8 conference, taking place t...
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