Africa Can’t Be Testing Ground for Covid19 Vaccine, says WHO

Director – General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has dismissed call from some scientists that the vaccine trial for the novel coronavirus pandemic should be done in Africa.

Ghebreyesus said covid19 vaccine will not be tested in Africa during a media briefing on Monday – (See video recording from the media briefing in this report).

WHO says, Africa Can’t Be Testing Ground for Coronavirus Vaccine

Ghebreyesus who made the position of the World Health Organisation known said, the rules would be followed to test any vaccine and therapeutic using exactly the same rule across the globe.

“Africa cannot and will not be a testing ground for any vaccine.” | The World Health Organization (WHO) has condemned racist remarks by two French doctors who suggested vaccine trials should be carried out in Africa.

His words: ” Africa cannot and will not be a testing ground for any vaccine. We would follow any vaccine and therapeutic all over the world using a exactly the same rule, whether it’s in Europe, Africa or wherever we will use the same protocol and if there is need to be tested elsewhere to treat human being the same way equally.

Discussing further, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation warned against “the hang-over from Colonial mentality and racist comments.

His words. ” It was a disgrace actually and appalling to hear during the 21st century from scientists that kind of remark. And we condemned this with strong terms possible. But we assure you that this will not happen in Africa and it will not happen in any country.

Proper protocols will be followed and human beings will be treated as human beings

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Recall that two French doctors remarked on a live television broadcast that the destination trial for the covid19 vaccine should be done in Africa. They made the remark discussing the effectiveness of tuberculosis trial against covid19.

The doctors further mentioned that VACCINE TRIAL FOR AIDS was conducted in Africa (prostitutes).

Their comments have since sparked outrageous outline and have been criticised widely. High profile figures also condemned the remarks and one of the two doctors have issued and apology, the other said their comments were misunderstood.