Wife of former UN chief, Kofi Annan, joins mourners around husband’s casket

The wife of former UN Chief, Kofi Annan, joined dignitaries on Wednesday to file past her husband’s casket amid traditional funeral rites by local chiefs and clan leaders.

Annan, a Ghanaian national and Noble peace prize laureate, died in a Swiss hospital in August at the age of 80.

He was surrounded in his last days by his second wife Nane and children Ama, Kojo and Nina.

Annan’s body was flown to Accra on Monday, accompanied by his family, including Nane.

His coffin, draped in Ghanaian national colors, has since laid in state for public viewing ahead of the burial on Thursday.

Wednesday’s session was dominated by customary rites for Annan, a dignitary of Ashanti lineage, who was granted a royal title by the Ashanti king in 2002.

The elders said the rites were necessary to clear the path for a peaceful “travel” for their royal.

“Custom demands that we see him off with the necessary clothing and water for his journey to the other world,” one of the chiefs from the Akwamu traditional area said.

Others, who filed past Annan’s body on Wednesday included senior Ghanaian politicians and foreign dignitaries including AU and UN officials.

Several African leaders and UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, are expected at the funeral on Thursday, organisers say.