Women Empowerment Aids MultiChoice Nigeria Growth – CEO Ugbe

MultiChoice Nigeria is committed to empowering women, and this has rubbed off in the growth of Multichoice Nigeria.

Chief Executive Officer, Multichoice Nigeria, John Ugbe made this known at the maiden edition of Women in Advertising Cocktail in Lagos.

‘‘From having a senior management team of an almost equal gender split, to actively putting in place programs which celebrate gender equality, MultiChoice Nigeria has been extremely progressive in numerous ways,” he said.

He continued, “Some of our most important operations are headed by very brilliant, hardworking women who, I must say, give the men a run for their money.”


READ ALSO: Nigeria not practising women equality


According to the United Nations Women in every part of the world have been marginalized, often as a result of discriminatory laws, practices, attitudes and gender stereotypes and low levels of education…

Individual women have overcome these obstacles with great acclaim, and often to the benefit of society at large. But for women as a whole, the playing field needs to be level, opening opportunities for all.

Speaking on the theme, ‘Growing Female Chief Executives’ Ugbe believe more successful female executives can emerge in Nigeria but not without “taking ownership of your success and toot your horn where necessary,”he said.

“Get a mentor, be a mentor, the WIMBIZ and their “Big Sister” project is a good example of women mentoring the next generation.”

“To strive for balance in every area of your life, you have to delegate where possible, collaborate more, ask for help and receive it graciously where necessary.”

According to Ugbe, “the rise of young professional successful females who have become strong personal brands due to social media and inspiring a new generation of female leaders are Arese Ugwu, InspiredbyGlory, Stephanie Obi, Folusho Gbadamosi and many more. Successful professional females must get an education both in school and in life – you will need it.”

Speaking on MultiChoice Nigeria’s female to male ratio in the senior management team, Ugbe acknowledged that this ratio is not a common feature emphasing that women on the management team have been extremely beneficial to the company.

‘‘Women are finishers, more detail-oriented and often more emotionally intelligent than their male colleagues; this is why MultiChoice is constantly looking for female talent that add value and contribute meaningfully.’’

Mrs. Tope Jemerigbe, CEO, DKK Nigeria and Mrs. Angela Emuwa, Chairman Punch Newspapers, were present at the forum. They lend their voice on the need for mentorship, networking, capacity building and work-life balance for women in Nigeria.