Zenera Consulting Joins Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria

Africa’s emerging leading branding and communications firm, Zenera Consulting, has announced its membership in the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria, (AAAN). 

The communication outfit said the development signifies its long-term inroad into the advertising sector with a view to broaden service offerings to discerning clients  through the deployment of  superior creative solutions.  

According to the Managing Partner of Zenera Consulting, Meka Olowola, Zenera is ready to provide integrated communications services and development to the advertising industry in Nigeria.

“Our membership of the body fulfils our client-centric mandate to serve as a one-stop centre for corporate communications. With advertising now formally complementing our Investor Relations, Public Relations, and Branding practices, Zenera Consulting has emerged as a veritable integrated marketing communications company providing end-to-end solutions to clients across various sectors,’ he’remarks.

According to its Client Service Director, Adejuwon Saheed, the firm was inspired to finalise its membership of the association on account of its sustainability focused practices and the determination to be compliant with the extant laws of industry regulators.

‘’We secured our membership of the body in 2017 but just received our certificate this weekend at the AGM due to the unavailability of Managing Partner at previous AGMs . As our clients grow increasingly sensitive to the need to comply with industry regulations, this certification allows us to fully represent them; taking their minds completely off communications regulatory issues so they focus on their core deliverables.’’ Saheed observes. 

Zenera also aims to increase visibility, enhance perception and extract optimum value for its clients via its tactical advertising campaigns utilising the full media spectrum. 

In just over five years, Zenera Consulting has retained a fast and remarkably growing client base in the energy and financial services sector. Its commitment to excellence in leadership and business practices has also distinguished it in the public relations and consulting industry. 

The agency established Ethica 360 in 2017, a service specially designed to incorporate sustainable practices into the activities of its clients in line with global best practices. Also, it emerged Most Inspiring Agency of the Year at the 2017 Marketing World Awards, for its high-level brand, reputation management, crisis management and media strategies. In 2019, it emerged Outstanding Brand Management Company of the Year at the National Marketing Stakeholders Summit & Brand and Advertising Awards of Excellence.

By virtue of being a sustainability-driven firm, Zenera, in 2018, partnered with Lakeshore Cancer Centre and the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) on a 3.4-kilometre walk to raise awareness for cancer as part of the events held in commemoration of its fifth-year anniversary.

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